domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

We are a band

We are a band means a lot to me because it gives me memories when we were in 2 basico, it was so much fun singing the song and learning the lyrics. The reflection of this son is very spiritual because it involves God and how he died for us and gave his life to save us. We are a band (one) because God made everyone equal. We are a band because we are a big family, we are a band because we all share one thing we are sons and daughters of God.

The Analects

Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 479 BCE - 221 BCE), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a tremendous influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today.
Confucianism is a Japanese religion that started when Mystical Chick made "Confucius say" jokes to her relatives: "Confucius say, tie your shoes. Now, Confucius say bend over backwards and snort apple juice from your drinking straws while praying to your favorite Kami. Confused yet? “Nonetheless to say, this was a hit, because nobody could figure out what Confucius actually said, so they had to accept Mystical Chick's version. Another body of scholarly opinion maintains that Confucianism is derived from Confusion. Such scholars are, of course, irresponsible cranks. Japan's official religion is Fanatical Extremist Confucianism, which explains why Japan is in fact, completely whacked out - and yet a perfectly coherent, predictable, and understandable country.
The deepest reflection of the analects is that if you are easygoing and you know how to treat the people that looks up to you, you will be successful. Also if you work hard you will find everything to be easier.


This story is about a lion that rules everything and did what he wanted to do. He ate every day a different animal, until the day came for the rabbit. The rabbit was a very astute animal so he had a plan to defeat the lion, so when he got to the place where the lion was waiting for him the lion was mad because he was late. The rabbit told the lion the story of why he was late. He told the lion that he was late because another lion told him that he was stronger than the other lion so the lion got mad and told the rabbit to take him to where the other lion was, the rabbit took him and told him he was on the lake so when the lion approached the edge of the lake he tripped and died.
This story takes you to reflect deeply because it doesn't matter how strong or big you are physically you can always find smarter people that can fool you. Even though the rabbit in this story was small, he proved to be smarter than the lion. This takes us to the conclusion that wisdom is more powerful than physical strength.